How long does it take to have a treatment?
You will need to allow 1-2 hours for your first procedure. If you intend to have lips and eyeliner allow 3 hours.
how long does it last?
Semi-Permanent Make up should last for several years.Over that time the colour may fade and breakdown. It is suggested that you come back for a "re-touch" procedure after 3-5 years,if needed, to keep the look complete and fresh. You will have an initial "top up" after 3-4 weeks, which is included in our price.
Does it hurt?
Some clients feel no discomfort at all, others feel some minor pain. However, we use topical anaesthetics to ease any pain. Our clients say that it is similar to having their eyebrows plucked.Once the procedure is complete there is no discomfort whatsoever.
what about after care?
You will be given detailed instruction for after care which is not difficult to carry out.
is it expensive?
It is little when you consider the years that this will last,and it doesn't run,smudge,or wash off. The cost of the procedure should not be the most important factor when choosing a permanent make up technician but the quality of work,attention to detail, and the skill and artistry to create a perfect result.
do i get a say in how my brows are done?
Of course ! I wouldn't dream of giving you a design you didn't want. This is a process in which we both work together to give you that perfect look.This is part of your consultation. We normally draw the outline and only proceed to the next stage when you are completely satisfied with shape and style.
how long will it last?
This depends on the colour and style you have chosen.If you choose a subtle,light colour and application,expect to need more touch ups than if you choose a dark colour, and heavier application.
will i need a "touch up"?
Most likely after around four weeks. This also gives an opportunity for us to review the final result.
is there any reason why i shouldn't get it done?
There are a few cases(medical,medication,diabetes,allergies,etc.) where Micro-Blading may not be right or possible for you. This will be discussed at your consultation.
are there any more questions about our services?
Please feel free to call me on 673044209, or you can e-mail by using the form on the Contact page.